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Romanian men
agains sexual violence

Romania 25.11.2020

The campaign “Fight against domestic violence is not a mission of women” created by Necuvinte Association in partnership with the Romanian Police and the Embassy of the State of Israel in Romania was voted unanimously as a message of public interest*.


The concept of the campaign is simple: men talking to men about the abusive behaviors of some of them. The role of men is essential in combating gender-based violence and being a man is not equivalent to being an aggressor. 
The story behind this campaign starts from a similar approach taken in Israel as a civic and moral response from male public figures following a horrific case of rape that shocked public opinion. 


Mordechai Braunstein, Nadav Slor and Yael Rappaport are the ones who gave soul to the campaign that was to arrive in Romania with the support of the Embassy of the State of Israel.

In addition to the message conveyed by our campaign, an important component is that change comes through collaboration regardless of which part of the globe we live in. Together we produce the change we want to see in the world. We thank again to all those who inspired us and contributed to these messages of change!


*The campaign “Fight against domestic violence is not a mission of women” created by Necuvinte Association in partnership with the Romanian Police and the Embassy of the State of Israel in Romania was voted unanimously as a message of public interest - this means the video was transmitted in all media, nationwide for 6 months, local media and national

Media romania




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